The Vehicle Evaluation & Auto Loan Comparison Worksheet

The Vehicle Evaluation & Auto Loan Comparison Worksheet

If you're ready to start shopping for a new (or new to you!) car, download these two worksheets to help you evaluate different vehicles and compare auto loan offers to ensure you're getting the best ride and financing available.

Ready to upgrade your ride? Start here.

There are many factors that go into choosing the best vehicle for you and your family – seating capacity, safety ratings, average MPG, technology features... The list goes on and on!

So we've put together this vehicle evaluation worksheet to help you compare your top three car choices across all of these options. You'll be able to easily determine which make and model is the best fit for your situation.

We also know that it's not always possible to pay for a vehicle with cash. Sometimes financing is the best (or only!) option to get you in a car that meets all of your needs. But choosing between different auto loan offers can seem like comparing apples to oranges.

That's why we've also put together an auto loan comparison worksheet to help you ask the right questions and get the right details from each lender. You'll know you're choosing the best financing for your dream ride.

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What's Inside?

  • One worksheet to help you find your dream car
  • A second worksheet to help you secure financing
  • Easily compare different vehicle makes and models
  • List out your must-have features in each car
  • Uncover the important details for different auto loan offers
  • Know what to ask each lender to get the best deal

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