New Homeowner Monthly Expense Worksheet

New Homeowner Monthly Expense Worksheet

Use this printable worksheet to plan out your monthly expenses as a new homeowner. We include home, transportation, food, children and pets, entertainment, and savings categories for a well-rounded budget.

Settling into your new home – and monthly budget? We've got you covered.

Settling into a new home comes with many expenses: moving costs, new furniture and appliances, remodeling... The list goes on and on. But what about your typical monthly expenses? With a new address your car insurance may fluctuate, you may have a new internet and cable provider, and don't forget about those homeowners association fees!
So much emphasis is put on the homebuying and moving process, but we'd like to remind you to consider your everyday finances after you've settled in. It's also the perfect time to rework your budget and include some of those savings goals you might have otherwise been putting off. Plus, you don't want any monthly bills sneaking up on you while you're focused on choosing paint colors for the kids' bedrooms.
Download and print out our monthly budget worksheet using the button below and get a handle on those recurring expenses. We've included an example budget to help you get started, but we suggest having your bank statements handy so you can easily pinpoint your actual expenses.
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What spending categories are included?

  • Home & Utilities
  • Transportation
  • Food & Entertainment
  • Debt
  • Children & Pets
  • Health & Beauty
  • Savings & Giving

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